Wednesday, April 23, 2014

9 week update... and other randomness!

So I am actually 10 weeks and 1 day today! I do want to let you all know how this past week has been though! It's been basically the same! :) I have had a little bit of nausea but it hasn't been too bad, and haven't had any new cravings or aversions. I did have a couple of rough nights sleep wise but I think it was just because I had a lot on my mind! Nothing bad or stressful mind you just mostly daydreaming! :)

There has been one little stressor lately though and that has been what we are going to do when this little one gets here! I have been thinking so much about my work situation and daycare and those types of things.  I would like to start out by saying I love my job. I love the environment and the people and what I do... but I don't love the commute! My hubby and I only have one car which works for us. I take the frontrunner and don't mind it at all... that is until I think about being a mom.

I am usually gone for about 12 hours a day which is not to big of a deal right now but I don't think I can handle being away from my little one for that many hours a day. I have been waiting to be a mom for so long (and I am realizing that waiting for my baby to get here is even harder than waiting to get pregnant,) so I just want to be with my baby as much as I can!!

Did anyone else struggle with this and what did you decide to do? I love advice!!  I am trying not to stress and just remember that everything will work out, and everything happens for a reason but sometimes it creeps up on me!

On the more positive side I have a Dr. appointment in 12 days!! I can't wait to go in again and I am hoping we will get to hear the little cutie's heartbeat!! I am going to try to record it so I can listen to it over and over again!  I have been considering purchasing an at home Doppler but haven't decided if it is a good idea or not! I don't want to do anything to hurt this little one and I don't want to cause stress if I am unable to find the heartbeat. So thoughts? Should I save my 50 bucks and use it for diapers?

Also shout out to Katie who made a comment on my last blog! I will definitely have to hit you up and talking pregnancy experiences! :) It's nice to have people you know who are going through this miracle too! I am so excited for you too, you and your hubby are so cute together and I know you will make great parents!

So there you go the random thoughts of a pregnant lady! :) I hope you all have a wonderful week and I already am having some new symptoms in week 10 so please come back next week! I promise I will try to be more interesting lol once we know the gender we can start working on the nursery and I will be asking you all for feedback so get ready for that! Also get ready because probably beginning of June I will start asking for gender predictions! We are going to make a big deal about the gender reveal and I would love all of you to tell me your guess and be a part of it! :) Thanks for all your love and support! See you next time!


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