Thursday, April 17, 2014

8 week update!!

So I am actually 9 weeks now but I wanted to tell you how week 8 went! Last week was the toughest in the pregnancy so far! I threw up twice and had lots of dry heaving moments (T-M-I) I know, and have been a lot more nauseous. I have also been getting some headaches! They haven't been bad though and I have really wanted to refrain from taking any drugs! Through all of this though I know I am still a very lucky pregnant girl!
I think that it has been a good thing that i have been experiencing nausea because a lot of my other symptoms haven't been as apparent lately. To me the nausea is a little sign saying don't worry I'm still in here! I have been on a lot which has been helpful and hurtful! On the plus side I have been calmed down a lot on that site by all the women who have been talking about what they are going through, but there is another side too! I don't think I will get on there very often because a lot of the women on there are very negative. I have read some comments that make me sit back and think why are these women being so mean!  I want to surround myself with positive people and thoughts, so I don't think that is the place for me! 
There isn't much more to say about week 8. I had a new craving this week! I was at work eating my lunch when this guy walked by with an orange, so now I have been eating oranges every day! I still have an aversion to chocolate which is crazy because I love chocolate!! Cody and I think this baby is crazy because it doesn't like chocolate! Both of her/his parents love it so we are hoping little Talbot changes their mind! I also still have an aversion to peanuts, which is a little sad but I can live without them!
Overall I am feeling pretty good! Sleeping a lot, but trying to be a little more active so I don't pack on the pounds! I just hope this weather starts staying nice so that I can get a walk in every day!! Oh speaking of pounds I have gained 2 pounds since I found out a was pregnant. I will try to do better at updating! I think I will try to do a weekly update every week so next week I will let you know how week 9 was! I need to start taking belly pictures too so I can post those as well! Lots of fun stuff coming up!
If you are a mom let me know when you found out the sex of your baby! I am hoping my Dr. will do it earlier than 20 weeks but I guess we will see! See ya next time and thanks for reading! Still can't get my ultrasound picture to post so I will continue to work on that!!

1 comment:

  1. I found the same thing on! I'd be happy to talk pregnancy experiences with you anytime if you need pregnant support :) Hope you're doing well and that you get some relief in the second trimester!


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