Wednesday, February 12, 2014

X ray explanation

Thanks to Janna for the comment, this is me trying to answer your question!!  Sorry I kind of just mention this X ray a ton and don't ever explain it! That was partly because I didn't know too much about it but thanks to WebMD I pretty much understand it! Obviously I will have more information when I actually get the procedure done but I do think I know enough now that I can explain the basics! Hopefully this all makes sense! :)

Okay so the procedure is called a hysterosalpingogram or HSG. It is an X ray that looks into your fallopian tubes, uterus, and the surrounding area.  They do this my inserting a catheter or other thin tube into you and insert dye. The dye then travels into your uterus and up into the fallopian tubes and they take x rays while it makes it way through you. They do it to check for blockages, abnormality in the uterus, or foreign objects (what?! That freaks me out a little).

The whole procedure takes about 15-20 minutes and can have fairly little pain associated with it or it can be very painful depending on the person (hoping for little to no pain).  Then you are all done and you wait for the results.  Like I said before for some women the dye that was inserted actually cleared the blockage and they get pregnant pretty quick after so of course that's the ideal! I am hoping I will be one of those lucky women but I guess we will have to wait and see.  Hopefully this answered your question and if any of you lucky women out there have to get this done now you know a little more about it! :)

I seriously live for the comments so don't be afraid to ask! I am an open book! :) Thanks for the comments and thanks for the support!

Until next time!


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