Tuesday, April 29, 2014

10 week update! :)

So if you haven't caught on yet I am actually 11 weeks today, but I this blog post is all about reflection on the past week! :) I feel like I have had more energy during the day lately... but I still crash out around 8:30-9pm. This whole weekend I don't think I stayed up past 9 once!

I have started getting heartburn which is not the best but I haven't been as nauseous so that's definitely a positive!! I am now starving more often than not which has been hard because I sit at the front desk all day and if I don't have snacks I am kind of stuck unless I can find  someone to cover me while I go raid the snack drawer! Even the ride home (takes about an hour) is rough! By the time I get home I feel like I have been fasting all day and trust me I have NOT!

One thing I am starting to notice more and more is my dry skin!! I am so itchy unless I put lotion on a couple times a day! Before I was pregnant I wasn't very good at keeping my skin moisturized because I didn't really notice if I did or didn't but now, if I don't put lotion on I know it!! :) That's about all that's new here! Next week's blog should be fun because we have a Dr. appointment and we will hopefully get to hear the heartbeat! As long as everything is alright next week we will also start taking weekly update photos! I will post those on here along with my weekly updates!

A lot of people keep asking me what I hope we are having (boy or girl) and I have to say I honestly don't know! One minute I think I want a little girl and the next I think about how fun a boy would be! I am excited for either gender and am looking forward to doing all of the cute girly outfits and bows, or the superhero themed nursery we have planned if it's a boy! I know some of my family has strong opinions of what they want my baby to be but I just want them to be happy and healthy as they join our little family! I do want to ask though if everyone else out there had a hard time picking boy names? We have had a heck of a time trying to find boy names we love but I think I finally found one I love (Cody is still thinking about it).

All in all I am so excited for this little one to get here and for all of the milestones we will hit before and after they arrive!! It's a crazy feeling to go through so many tears during our infertility struggles and going from feeling like it would never happen, to being pregnant and knowing that all that time you spent sad and doubting God, he was just waiting for the right time to send the miracle you have been waiting for! I feel like this is such a magical time in our lives and I am trying to soak it all in!!

Thank you for all of your support and to those of you who are still sticking with me even if my life isn't terribly exciting! See you all next week!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

9 week update... and other randomness!

So I am actually 10 weeks and 1 day today! I do want to let you all know how this past week has been though! It's been basically the same! :) I have had a little bit of nausea but it hasn't been too bad, and haven't had any new cravings or aversions. I did have a couple of rough nights sleep wise but I think it was just because I had a lot on my mind! Nothing bad or stressful mind you just mostly daydreaming! :)

There has been one little stressor lately though and that has been what we are going to do when this little one gets here! I have been thinking so much about my work situation and daycare and those types of things.  I would like to start out by saying I love my job. I love the environment and the people and what I do... but I don't love the commute! My hubby and I only have one car which works for us. I take the frontrunner and don't mind it at all... that is until I think about being a mom.

I am usually gone for about 12 hours a day which is not to big of a deal right now but I don't think I can handle being away from my little one for that many hours a day. I have been waiting to be a mom for so long (and I am realizing that waiting for my baby to get here is even harder than waiting to get pregnant,) so I just want to be with my baby as much as I can!!

Did anyone else struggle with this and what did you decide to do? I love advice!!  I am trying not to stress and just remember that everything will work out, and everything happens for a reason but sometimes it creeps up on me!

On the more positive side I have a Dr. appointment in 12 days!! I can't wait to go in again and I am hoping we will get to hear the little cutie's heartbeat!! I am going to try to record it so I can listen to it over and over again!  I have been considering purchasing an at home Doppler but haven't decided if it is a good idea or not! I don't want to do anything to hurt this little one and I don't want to cause stress if I am unable to find the heartbeat. So thoughts? Should I save my 50 bucks and use it for diapers?

Also shout out to Katie who made a comment on my last blog! I will definitely have to hit you up and talking pregnancy experiences! :) It's nice to have people you know who are going through this miracle too! I am so excited for you too, you and your hubby are so cute together and I know you will make great parents!

So there you go the random thoughts of a pregnant lady! :) I hope you all have a wonderful week and I already am having some new symptoms in week 10 so please come back next week! I promise I will try to be more interesting lol once we know the gender we can start working on the nursery and I will be asking you all for feedback so get ready for that! Also get ready because probably beginning of June I will start asking for gender predictions! We are going to make a big deal about the gender reveal and I would love all of you to tell me your guess and be a part of it! :) Thanks for all your love and support! See you next time!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

8 week update!!

So I am actually 9 weeks now but I wanted to tell you how week 8 went! Last week was the toughest in the pregnancy so far! I threw up twice and had lots of dry heaving moments (T-M-I) I know, and have been a lot more nauseous. I have also been getting some headaches! They haven't been bad though and I have really wanted to refrain from taking any drugs! Through all of this though I know I am still a very lucky pregnant girl!
I think that it has been a good thing that i have been experiencing nausea because a lot of my other symptoms haven't been as apparent lately. To me the nausea is a little sign saying don't worry I'm still in here! I have been on www.babycenter.com a lot which has been helpful and hurtful! On the plus side I have been calmed down a lot on that site by all the women who have been talking about what they are going through, but there is another side too! I don't think I will get on there very often because a lot of the women on there are very negative. I have read some comments that make me sit back and think why are these women being so mean!  I want to surround myself with positive people and thoughts, so I don't think that is the place for me! 
There isn't much more to say about week 8. I had a new craving this week! I was at work eating my lunch when this guy walked by with an orange, so now I have been eating oranges every day! I still have an aversion to chocolate which is crazy because I love chocolate!! Cody and I think this baby is crazy because it doesn't like chocolate! Both of her/his parents love it so we are hoping little Talbot changes their mind! I also still have an aversion to peanuts, which is a little sad but I can live without them!
Overall I am feeling pretty good! Sleeping a lot, but trying to be a little more active so I don't pack on the pounds! I just hope this weather starts staying nice so that I can get a walk in every day!! Oh speaking of pounds I have gained 2 pounds since I found out a was pregnant. I will try to do better at updating! I think I will try to do a weekly update every week so next week I will let you know how week 9 was! I need to start taking belly pictures too so I can post those as well! Lots of fun stuff coming up!
If you are a mom let me know when you found out the sex of your baby! I am hoping my Dr. will do it earlier than 20 weeks but I guess we will see! See ya next time and thanks for reading! Still can't get my ultrasound picture to post so I will continue to work on that!!

Friday, April 4, 2014

First Dr. appointment update!

Sorry this is a little late! I had my first Dr. appointment for baby Talbot on April 1st and have meaning to blog about it ever since but I have been soooo tired!!  I apologize for making those of you who have been wondering how it went wait!!

So we went to the Dr. and he talked to us, asked us questions, told us what they were going to do that day, peed in a cup, got blood drawn, and then the exciting part, we got to see our baby! I was so glad he was doing an ultrasound on our first visit because I have been anxious to make sure the baby was in the right spot and growing how it should be!

So far everything looks great! We got to see the heartbeat, and found out that we were right on for our due date! The Dr.'s office did call the next day though and let me know that I had a U.T.I so now I am on some antibiotics for that! I am hoping I don't get those frequently during this pregnancy, I have heard that sometimes that happens but I guess that is better than some other calls I could have received!

We also got some fun free gifts from my Dr. like formula, coupons, and prenatal vitamins. I was so excited about that it made me feel like a mom!  The carries were really cute too and maybe I will post some photos of the things they gave me in the next blog!

We scheduled my next appointment for May 5th, and at that point I will be 11 weeks and 6 days!  I am so excited for that appointment, hopefully we will get to hear our little baby's heartbeat!!  It feels like it's forever away but I think it will go quickly! This month is a pretty busy but fun one so that will help!

So I also wanted to do a little update! Today I am 7 weeks and 3 days along, I am always exhausted, and I have had a little nausea.  The only cravings I have really had are French fries, and I have had a few aversions! I have had aversions to peanuts, milk, and hamburgers.  I have been sleeping pretty good at night, I usually get up once to use the restroom. I can't wait to start showing, and I am looking forward to the 2nd trimester when I am not so tired... I am halfway there! All in all I just love this little baby growing inside of me and keep praying everything keeps going this well! Thanks for reading my little update I think I will try to do them every week! I tried to attach my ultrasound picture but it would let me so I will try next time! Until then...

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